Recommend several cost-effective bag brands.
JPJ, whether it is designed or priced for college students and girls who are new to the workplace, bags cover wallets, shoulder bags, backpacks, and even couples. Most of the styles are very delicate and cute, with warm and light colors as the core Lord, no matter what season it is, you can find all-match handbags in it.
JONBAG, the price is generally not expensive, basically the price is around 300, it is quite cheap so it is not cowhide, but the workmanship is not bad. Very good design, the style is mainly simple, and I personally estimate that it is suitable for MM around 18-35. I bought a handbag before, and the quality of workmanship is very particular.
Abbott Vintage, almost every bag uses retro colors and small designs, and the chain buckles have a sense of age, unlike most bags whose hardware is deliberately made to shine. The price of this store is also between tens and three hundred. It looks very high-quality and cost-effective. Most of the styles are classic and timeless.
KEVANCHO, which combines French Vintage with fashion sense, is also unique among original bags. The single color matching with high-grade leather is the biggest feature. It follows the medieval art route. There are armpit bags, saddle bags, Kelly bags and other styles to choose from.
TEEINCO, is really good and cheap, good quality, the shape will surprise people, but not too far from reality, the style is simple and the color is bright, the style is a bit Japanese literary style and light familiar style, gentle but not lacking in personality, petty bourgeoisie Elegant style.
Most of the brands recommended above are around 100~300 bag brands. If you are looking for more expensive ones, you can read the following blog.
Women's bag brand recommendation ( 2 ) | From inexpensive, petty bourgeoisie to luxury